Sunday, June 12, 2011

Status update

Well, after a very, very long day yesterday (5:30am to 12:30am) I can safely say roofing sucks! We were able to 2 sides done including adding 3 new vents, taking apart my fireplace siding (and breaking it - way to go tubro), and 3/4 of the other side.

Here's what I've learned so far-
- weather people are always wrong (didn't rain nor was it cloudy all day)
- when the weather says high 70s, guess what.... its still hot as hell on the roof.
- check, check, and check again before you give someone a nail gun and turn them loose.
-and lastly... you're going to hurt the next day, a lot. Not kinda sore but everything in me is sore.

P.S. don't leave your phone in your pocket with tools nearby. Tore up my screen.

Pics to come soon.. back to work :)

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